Wednesday, March 23, 2016

FastCopy – Copy Manager with the Fastest Data Transfer Rate

In many cases, you may need to copy big chunks of the information from one location to another: making manual backup, copying HD movie to the USB, etc. In such cases, the speed and the quality of the data transfer would be decisive factor, while selecting the program of choice. FastCopy is considered by numerous users as being the best and the fastest file copy manager on the market.

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FastCopy gives consistent results for the data transfer rate, beating competitors in all head-to-head performance comparisons. The problem is also characterized by safe and efficient use of the computer resources during the copying process, keeping the RAM usage consistently low throughout the entire transfer.

The utility can be used free of charge for all purposes, including commercial.

You can use installer to install on the HDD, or you can use it in portable mode:
* For using installed version, run setup.exe, and install it in a new directory.
* If you want to install in USB memory, copy the two files "FastCopy.exe" and "FastCopy.chm" to USB memory.


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